국예총 - 국제연예예술인총연합회

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팝업레이어 알림

팝업레이어 알림이 없습니다.

The 1st Gagnam Grand Festival … (12/17)
The 1st Gangnam Grand Festival… (11/30)
IEAF's New Singers have appear… (08/31)
Welcoming/Founding ceremony of… (06/02)
발대식 및 창립식(본회 소개 및 행사안내) (04/17)

Ebenezer Building, 6th floor, 43, Eonju-ro 87-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, (06220)  |  Tel: +82-2-567-2577
Copyright © International Entertainment Artist Ferderation. All rights reserved. Go Top